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Proceeding: Pas taktyczny

Published : 15-05-2018 08:35:23
Placing offers : 18-05-2018 08:31:00
Offers opening : -
Type: -

Requirements and specifications

The person who issued the complaint did not provide information on the requirements and specifications


There are no attachments in this proceeding


Buyer has not publish any additional messages

Subject of the request

No. Name Description and attachments Quantity
/ Unit
Net price / Unit Vat Gross price / Unit Currency Delivery address Attach
1 Pas taktyczny do skrytego noszenia broni Pas taktyczny JAR MIX model FBI Rozmiar: L 3 pc. - (0)
Currency rates NBP

Criteria and formal conditions

No. Name Criterium weight Description and attachments Your suggestion or comment Attach file
1 Termin dostawy - 10 dni, proszę potwierdzić (0)
2 Koszt dostawy - Po stronie dostawcy, proszę potwierdzić (0)
3 Warunki płatności - przelew 30 dni, proszę potwierdzić (0)
4 Price - Offer value 0,00 PLN netto
0,00 PLN brutto
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